v1.2.6 (2021 February 12th)
- Fixed double page title issue
- Fixed fit height page title and other jQuery conflict with WP 5.6.0
v1.2.5 (2021 February 4th)
V1.1.56 (2018 April 17th) - Fixed mobile menu in non-blueprint created page v1.1.55 (2018 April 10th) - Fixed instagram widget API - Fixed featured post element category link colour v1.1.54 (2018 April 4th) - Added feature to select navigation menu to display on mobile - Updated slider revolution plugin version v1.1.53 (2018 March 26th). Shop DYMO label makers, label printers and labels. DYMO offers easy-to-use labelers, LabelWriter printers, plus Rhino industrial labeling products. . Main goods are marked with red color. Services of language translation the. An announcement must be commercial character Goods and services advancement through P.O.Box sys.
- Fixed jQuery conflict with WP 5.6.0
v1.2.4 (2020 October 7th)
- Fixed Yoast SEO conflict issue
- Updated slider revolution plugin
- Updated outdated WooCommerce template files
v1.2.3 (2020 March 7th)
- Fixed breadcrumb separator issue
- Updated slider revolution plugin
v1.2.2 (2020 Feb 28th)
- Update WooCommerce templates
- Update Slider Revolution and Layer slider version
- Update Google Fonts list
- Fix conflict with Gutenberg
v1.2.1 (2019 March 8th)
- Updated google fonts list
- Updated Layerslider and Revolution slider plugin
v1.2.0 (2019 January 26th)
- Make theme support Gutenberg builder
- Updated WooCommerce template files
- Updated Revolution slider file
- Fixed dynamic sidebar delete issue
v1.1.62 (2018 October 24th)
- Updated WooCommerce outdate template to compatible with WooCommerce version 3.5.0
v1.1.61 (2018 August 10th)
- Fixed problem when mobile menu location has been selected 'search and cart' icon disappear in mobile menu.
- Updated Revolution Slider and Envato Market plugin version.
v1.1.60 (2018 July 10th)
- Fixed WooCommerce Product gallery error without thumbanail image uploaded.
v1.1.59 (2018 July 4th)
- Improved single product page gallery
- Added option single product gallery thumbnail image ratio
v1.1.58 (2018 May 28th)
- Fixed product description translation
- Supported WordPress comment GDPR
v1.1.57 (2018 May 24th)
- Updated WooCommerce outdated templates
- Updated Layer Slider and Revslider Plugin version
v1.1.56 (2018 April 17th)
- Fixed mobile menu in non-blueprint created page
v1.1.55 (2018 April 10th)
- Fixed instagram widget API
- Fixed featured post element category link colour
v1.1.54 (2018 April 4th)
- Added feature to select navigation menu to display on mobile
- Updated slider revolution plugin version
v1.1.53 (2018 March 26th)
- Support “sms:” url in link
- Support multilingual custom archive page
- Fixed table element width in case of no head
v1.1.52 (2018 March 14th)
- Improve scroll to load paginate
- Fixed instagram bug for the video and gallery image
- Fixed not working mobile menu font size option in customizer
v1.1.51 (2018 March 8th)
- Added site identity panel back to customizer and merge woocommerce panel into one.
- Improved table element css and fixed bug about table-layout
v1.1.50 (2018 March 6th)
- Updated outdated WooCommerce templates
- Updated revslider and layer slider plugin
v1.1.49 (2018 February 12th)
- Updated outdated WooCommerce templates
- Updated pot language files
v1.1.48 (2018 January 29th)
- Updated google font list
- Updated Layer Slider plugin
- Available pricing item to be 0 row
v1.1.47 (2018 January 16th)
- Updated Layer Slider plugin
- Fixed navigation bar mobile mis-position before page load
v1.1.46 (2017 December 18th)
- Updated Layer slider plugin
- Fixed gallery, image, button, quote, video in classic editor not working
v1.1.45 (2017 December 6th)
- Fixed conflict with Yoast SEO version 5.9.1 (blueprint disappear)
v1.1.44 (2017 December 4th)
- Fixed add_tab deprecated in image control of customizer (this require user to re-upload all images uploaded in customizer)
- Fixed navigation menu cart deprecated function
- Fixed delete widget button conflict with WP 4.9+
v1.1.43 (2017 November 29th)
- Fixed sell individually product of WooCommerce
v1.1.42 (2017 November 28th)
- Updated Layer Slider Plugin
- Improved search result of meta data (blueprint content included)
v1.1.41 (2017 November 17th)
- Added “Xing” social media
- Updated Layer Slider Plugin
- Updated Slider Revolution Plugin
v1.1.40 (2017 November 9th)
- Updated Google Font
- Fixed feature element “left style” conflict with unknown width image issue
v1.1.39 (2017 October 31st)
- Added shortcode btx_strikethrough, btx_superscript, btx_subscript
- Fixed slider background image animation
- Fixed split slide page height bugs
v1.1.38 (2017 October 19th)
- Added “rel” attribute to [btx_link] shortcode
- Updated Layer slider Plugin version
- Fixed “san-serif” font spelling in css in blueprint
- Fixed fit screen height of hero on mobile and tablet device
- Fixed blueprint setting in translated single product page
- Fixed feature element in case of short content
v1.1.37 (2017 October 13th)
- Updated outdate woo commerce templates
- Fixed feature element css issue with image
v1.1.36 (2017 October 11th)
- Added wpml-config.xml to child theme folder
- Made dynamic navigation bar menu color to compatible with split slide page
- Improved feature element css
- Improved split slide page, resize case, tablet device display, nabber scheme support
- Updated Layer Slider plugin
- Refactored most of scripts (recommend for anyone who changed original file script to checkout if made any change)
v1.1.35 (2017 September 19th)
- Updated slider revolution plugin version
- Improved breadcrumb parent taxonomy level
- Fixed tab disappear in single product page
v1.1.34 (2017 September 7th)
- Updated Layer slider plugin
- Added title attribute to btx_link shortcode
- Added option “link to” to widget portfolio
- Fixed portfolio link in search page in case link to alternate link
- Fixed bug: padding top of page which has opacity of navigation bar less than 100
v1.1.33 (2017 August 17th)
- Updated Layer slider plugin and Revolution slider plugin
- Updated default value of element navigation and accordion
v1.1.32 (2017 August 3rd)
- Added .pot file of bateaux-core plugin
- Changed breadcrumb to display name instead of slug (for the archive name)
- Fixed bug of slider header while import template
v1.1.31 (2017 July 22nd)
- Added “linkedin” and “stumbleupon” share to post settings
- Updated layer slider plugin
v1.1.30 (2017 July 5th)
- Fixed mobile classic menu anchor link
- Fixed WooCommerce archive page column issue
v1.1.29 (2017 June 29th)
- Updated WooCommerce template file
v1.1.28 (2017 June 12th)
- Support html and shortcode for excerpt of blog, portfolio, custom post type element
- Updated revolution slider and layer slider version
- Fixed pricing element color issue
v1.1.27 (2017 June 3rd)
- Fixed categories filter error with number type of taxonomy of blog, portfolio and custom post type
v1.1.26 (2017 June 3rd)
- Added bateaux.woff2 font file for performace improvement
- Fixed bateaux_core_search_page_builder error happened in some PHP version
v1.1.25 (2017 May 31st)
- Added option “random” order to gallery element
- Added option number of thumbnail columns to gallery element
- Added Linkedin and Stumbleupon share
- Updated layer slider version
- Fixed icon wrong display in some elements in blueprint.
- Fixed WooCommerce variable product thumbnail image
v1.1.24 (2017 May 3rd)
- Update Revolution Slider version
- Fixed Action Button border radius doesn’t work
v1.1.23 (2017 April 19th)
- IMPORTANT : From this version, theme will compatible with WooCommerce version 3.0.0 or above. If you do not have plan to update WooCommerce version, please do not update the theme.
- Added full screen button to Vimeo video
- Update outdated WooCommerce template files to support woocommerce version 3.0.0 or above. and some deprecated function.
- Update Layer Slider plugin version.
- Fixed box equal height with parallax background conflict after window load.
- Fixed button radius value “0” bug of button editor in blueprint.
- Fixed value “0” issue with pricing item.
v1.1.22 (2017 April 4th)
- Revert WPML blueprint content “duplicate” back to “translate”
- Update Layer Slider plugin version.
v1.1.21 (2017 March 22th)
- Improved WooCommerce variable product image compatibility
- Fixed WPML compatible issue with blueprint content
- Fixed “countdown” element label translation issue
v1.1.20 (2017 March 14th)
- make function in bateaux-template.php file pluggable
- add do_action “bateaux_after_crop_image” after crop image
- updated Rev Slider version
- improved isotope layout and animation of elements
v1.1.19 (2017 February 13th)
- Updated Layer slider version
- Improve spacing of WooCommerce mini cart in case of variation product
- Fixed is_shop() function error
- Fixed masonry style column layout bug when click on filter (blog, portfolio)
- Fixed force center mobile of image element
- Fixed twitter share in mobile
- Fixed related post element query issue
- Fixed navigation bar logo width in WooCommerce page
- Fixed fixed navigation logo in stack style navigation bar
- Fixed footer link color and link hover color options not working.
v1.1.18 (2017 January 13th)
- Allow fullscreen youtube video.
- Improve background animate of slider element.
- Fixed image size in IE browser support
- Fixed bug of intersect string in filterer
- Fixed widget highlight post doesn’t save multiple IDs
v1.1.17 (2016 December 21st)
- Fixed responsive view of scroll style gallery and featured post
- Fixed responsive view of variable height of carousel module
v1.1.16 (2016 December 12th)
- Improve youtube video background loop
- Improve my account WooCommerce page in responsive
- Improve search engine in the site to available search all keyword in blueprint content.
- Update third party plug-in
- Fixed navigation bar menu offset top on fixed navigation
- Fixed preview button bug in blueprint
- Fixed button radius of button editor
- Fixed error in google search console
v.1.1.15 (2016 November 15th)
- Added option to play background video sound
- Improved “hero” and “slider” responsive display
- Fixed conflict page settings on product category page
- Updated Layer Slider plugin
v.1.1.14 (2016 October 30th)
- Improved Anchor link
- Added options “fit height offset” to box/slider/featured post element and section/page hero
- Fixed Pinterest Share
- Updated layer slider and revolution slider plugin version
v1.1.13 (2016 Ocotober 13th)
- Improved Anchor link
- Added option “name” to be able to activate “interactive” element by click (http://www.bateauxtheme.com/docs/advance/index.html#interactive-click-trigger)
- Added option to disable hover in “interactive” element
- Added options to hide “section” in multiple devices
- Added option “autoplay on hover” to “slider” element
- Added option “image size” to widgets highlighted post and etc.
- Added category filter to “featured post” element
- Fixed video autoplay in “modal” element to pause when close
- Fixed saved template invalid output issue
v1.1.12 (2016 September 28th)
- Added new element “WordPress Content” (blueprint)
- Added blueprint to compatible with single product (blueprint)
- Changed prefix of icon from “fa” to “twf”
v1.1.11 (2016 September 21st)
- Added option to adjust height in percentage relative to screen height (box, slider, hero, featured post on header and section) (blueprint)
- Improved single product gallery to adaptive height gallery (front-end)
- Reverted html editor back to original one (textarea editor) (blueprint)
- Fixed slider css conflict with JQuery UI in blueprint of single custom post type (blueprint)
- Fixed single product css in mobile/tablet device (front-end)
- Fixed “full width” option of single product (customizer)
v1.1.10.1 (2016 September 18th)
- Added option full width to sidebar editor (blueprint)
- Improved html editor and how to display (blueprint)
- Improved display of entry in archive page (front-end)
- Fixed color problem in meta data in single post page (front-end)
- Removed default page title message when input field is empty (customizer)
v1.1.10 (2016 September 17th)
- Added options to enable full-width in index, portfolio archive, shop, product page (customizer)
- Added options to toggle full-width of page title (customizer and blueprint)
- Added gallery short code image size option (shortcode)
- Added Instagram widget full width option and more columns (widget)
- Added option to query most recent post in featured post element (blueprint)
- Added options to edit font family of pricing element (blueprint)
- Supported Anchor menu for one page slide both dull page and split slide page (front-end)
- Supported 2 schemes logo in case not fixed navigation bar (front-end)
- Fixed custom index / portfolio archive page content (front-end)
v1.1.9.1 (2016 September 10th)
- Fixed tablet view of split slide
- Fixed one page navigation menu problem
- Fixed navigation and footer on custom index and portfolio archive page
- Fixed “skype” url in social item
- Set mobile navbar default value in case there is unexisting value
v1.1.9 (2016 September 6th)
- Added option to adjust width of detail area in single product (customizer)
- Added options to Dropdown menu to be able to edit more typography
- Added option to sort post by menu_order
- Added options to set typography of mobile menu
- Added new “classic” style of mobile menu
- Added page category
- Support blog/portfolio/product/custom post filter to sort by category order
- Support subcategory in filtering post for element blog/portfolio/product
- Fixed CSS problem. Split main.min.css file to 2 files to support full function CSS in IE9 (must activate by child theme)
- Fixed tag error on navigation (polylang plugin show flag issue on menu)
v1.1.8.5 (2016 August 30th)
- Added “Tel, Skype” to enable to add link in inline text editor
- Fixed “html” element issue doesn’t save
- Fixed blog, gallery, portfolio, product element wrong display in modal
- Updated template files (wide-blog, wide-shop, about-modern, contact-modern, product, case-study category portfolio)
v1.1.8 (2016 August 29th)
- Added wpml-config.xml file
- Added options (variable width, center mode and etc.) to “carousel” of portfolio, client, gallery, custom post item.
- Added option in customizer to enable navigation bar action button on mobile
- Added options in customizer to edit page title label in pages not created by blueprint
- Changed from “div” tag to “blockquote” of element quote for better SEO
- Updated Layer Slider Plugin
- Fixed wrong style-sheet URL with SSL
- Fixed image width in IE
- Fixed bug in pricing element (decimal display)
- Fixed bug in Blueprint of selecting “color scheme” in some elements.
v1.1.7 (2016 August 14th)
- Added Blog creative style (mouseover content)
- Added option image “Popup” to media editor in blueprint to allow popup when click on image
- Added option “fit screen height” to box element
- Added option to use custom blog index page
- Added option to hide element on tablet landscape screen
- Added Featured post options (carousel options)
- Added custom post type element to blueprint
- Added active state to filter bar of blog, portfolio, product element
- Added new 4 pre-defined templates (side gallery right full, side gallery left full, 50/50 meta, stacking zig-zag)
- Added new content animations (still overlay, still gradient) to mouseover content portfolio
- Improved tab element styling on mobile
- Fixed page hero fit screen height display on Firefox, IE
- Fixed modal animation not shown on split, full slide page
v1.1.6 (2016 August 5th)
- Fixed mobile menu logo display
- Fixed transparent background menu in fixed navigation bar
v1.1.5 (2016 August 5th)
- Added pagination to gallery item
- Added option to change navigation bar style on blueprint (page/post/portfolio can have a unique menu style)
- Fixed pagination of elements on single post
- Fixed entry of archive page (option from customizer didn’t work with)
v1.1.4 (2016 August 1st)
- Added auto focus on search after click on menu
- Added category and tag to be displayed in portfolio index
- Added shortcode “btx_link”
- Added option to sort filter of items
- Added option back to top button in blueprint (page, portfolio, post)
- Added options adaptive height to any items with carousel
- Added desktop hidden option to hide element in display width over 960px
- Added mobile force center option in general tab of items in blueprint to force center align in mobile
- Improved back to top button
- Improved video background
- Improved responsive display
- Fixed side navigation bar minimal style in tablet landscape
- Fixed display of social icon on top bar
- Fixed display vertical align middle of portfolio
v1.1.3 (2016 July 29th)
- Added 2 niche demos (photographer, architect)
- Added option to change arrow icon of slider in customizer
- Added feature “back to top” button (edit in customizer)
- Added commented code to enable SVG file uploading in media library in child theme
- Added option enable topbar in mobile
- Fixed slider fit screen height in Firefox
- Fixed fixed box in tablet landscape
v1.1.2 (2016 July 27th)
- Added option video ratio to video background and video element
- Fixed update quantities WooCommerce
- Fixed image max-width option
- Fixed mobile menu background
- Fixed one-page menu in mobile
- Fixed split slide sequence in mobile device
- Improved Importer stabilities
- Updated title font size maximum value in blog/portfolio/product element
- Updated WooCommerce single product image template
v1.1.1 (2016 July 18th)
- Fixed inline text edit not update on some manners
- Fixed Yoast support on classic editor
- Fixed video background display on 1080p
- Fixed video thumbnail not shown on blog element and archive
- Fixed comment border
- Fixed preload ripple animation
- Added translation to search placeholder (on fullscreen)
- Added option to set portfolio archive by page id
v1.1.0 (2016 July 13th)
- Integrate Blueprint with single post
- Support icon picker in menu create page in backend
- Added field external link in Single Portfolio
- Fixed “save draft”
- Fixed video background ratio
- Added “Comment” element in page builder
- Fixed blueprint error in Internet Explorer
- Fixed background image disappear in side navigation bar
- Fixed options uppercase and letter spacing in customizer (0 value didn’t work)
v1.0.4 (2016 July 11th)
- Fixed custom CSS in child theme
- Added Fullwidth option in Footer
- Added background options for mobile or full screen navigation
- Added option to enable parallax background in mobile or tablet device
- Added option fixed background in background editor
- Added option Navbar Background Attachment Fixed
- Added Excerpt characters limit option to Blog and Portfolio
- Added Accordion Option “close by default”
- Added options to set font in “Milestone” and “Countdown” item
- Added HTML widget
- Support HTML in bottom bar text
- Fixed menu hover intent
- Fixed video background ratio issue
v1.0.3 (2016 July 6th)
- Added Bateaux Child Theme
- Added Bundle Plugin Import File (Slider Revolution, Woo product)
- Support video background in box element
- Support video background in interactive element
- Support link open in target self
- Support self-hosted video background in any ratio
v1.0.2 (2016 July 1st)
- Support css of animation item in old device browser
- Fixed equal height display issue in tablet landscape size
v1.0.1 (2016 July 1st)
- Fixed Yoast SEO bug in blueprint
- Added light / dark scheme logo options to upload
- Support modal Embed URL of soundcloud and mixcloud
- Organise navigation bar template files
- Improved WPML support CSS
- Improved Slider element background animation
- Updated Slider Revolutions Plugin
- Updated Layer Slider Plugin
- Added 5 new more homepage variations
- Fixed navigation bar display issue in tablet landscape size