Re:Zero began as a free web novel written by Tappei Nagatsuki. The first three arcs were covered by the first season of the anime; however the anime adapted the Light Novel version, which in turn was adapted from the Web Novel version. If you wish to check out the Web Novel version of Arcs 1-3, then check out SNUTranslation who is currently working on them!
How to get started with the Translator live feature. Have live, translated conversations with captions in over 80 languages. Learn how to download the app or use the live feature in your browser. Use Internet translation services to translate your text to any language in the world and listen to the translation, thanks to the integrated text-to-speech engine What's new in QTranslate
Credit for the lovely art goes to HaruSabin.
Click the link above to begin reading. This is the longest of the six current arcs, so prepare yourself for a wild ride! Credit for these translations belongs to the Summary Anon, whose only known identity is his email address,, as well as his Mega Archive.
Credit for the lovely art goes to HaruSabin.
Click the link above to begin reading. This arc is fully translated so you can read it at your leisure! Many thanks to everyone who worked on it, namely: Nanashi, Ringo, Ferris, Ice and Graced.
Credit for the lovely art goes to HaruSabin.
Click the link above to begin reading. This arc is not yet fully translated, but work is going on to try and complete it. We’ll try to work on it as much as possible. Currently only Chapters 88-90 are not translated!
Credit for the lovely art goes to HaruSabin.
And thus begins the fabled Arc Seven! Click the link above to begin reading; we have five chapters out currently, and are endeavouring to keep up with Tappei’s release schedule as much as possible.
Credit for the lovely art goes to reWISTERIA.
The Sword Demon Battle Ballad, the final story in the Sword Demon Trilogy has been fully translated.
The final part of the trilogy takes place straight after The Sword Demon Love Story (EX 3) so make sure you’ve read both EX 2 and EX 3 before starting. You can read the Battle Ballad by clicking this link. Or by downloading the EPUB version here.
Credit for the lovely art goes to Owari-sensei.