1. Graphic Converter 11 1 3 X 4 5
  2. Graphic Converter 11 1 3 X 48
  3. Graphic Converter 10
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Description :: All Functions

Graphic Converter 11 1 3 X 4 Adobe Photoshop Elements 2020 Specs Waltr 2 2 6 9 Corel Painter 2020 V20 1 0 285 Sketch Design 3 1 Xtwin V2 0 6 Jixipix Cartoon 1 111 Ubuntu OVA for Horizon is a pre-packaged OVA built on Ubuntu that automates the configuration needed for a Linux Desktop Template to be used in a VMware Horizon 7 environment.


Function Grapher is a full featured Graphing Utility that supports graphing up to 5 functions together.

You can also save your work as a URL (website link).

Graphicconverter 8


To plot a function just type it into the function box.

Use 'x' as the variable like this:

Zooming and Re-centering

To zoom, use the zoom slider. To the left zooms in, to the right zooms out. When you let go of the slider it goes back to the middle so you can zoom more.

You can click-and-drag to move the graph around.

If you just click-and-release (without moving), then the spot you clicked on will be the new center

To reset the zoom to the original click on the Reset button.

Graphic Converter 11 1 3 X 4 5

Using 'a' Values

There is a slider with 'a =' on it. You can use 'a' in your formula and then use the slider to change the value of 'a' to see how it affects the graph.


Graphic Converter 11 1 3 X 48

  • x^a
  • 2x−3a
  • sin(ax)

All Functions


+Addition operator
-Subtraction operator
*Multiplication operator
/Division operator
^Exponent (Power) operator


sqrtSquare Root of a value or expression.
sinsine of a value or expression
coscosine of a value or expression
tantangent of a value or expression
asininverse sine (arcsine) of a value or expression
acosinverse cosine (arccos) of a value or expression
ataninverse tangent (arctangent) of a value or expression
sinhHyperbolic sine (sinh) of a value or expression
coshHyperbolic cosine (cosh) of a value or expression
tanhHyperbolic tangent (tanh) of a value or expression
exp e (the Euler Constant) raised to the power of a value or expression
lnThe natural logarithm of a value or expression
logThe base−10 logarithm of a value or expression
floorReturns the largest (closest to positive infinity) value that is not greater than the argument and is equal to a mathematical integer.
ceilReturns the smallest (closest to negative infinity) value that is not less than the argument and is equal to a mathematical integer.
absAbsolute value (distance from zero) of a value or expression
signSign (+1 or −1) of a value or expression
factfactorial function


Graphic converter 11 1 3 x 4 2 2x 1

Graphic Converter 10

piThe constant π (3.141592654...)
eEuler's number (2.71828...), the base for the natural logarithm