BetterZip 4.0.2 – Archiving tool. BetterZip lets you quickly inspect archives without first extracting their contents. Extract Only Files You Really Need: If you only need a few files or folders. December 6, 2017. BetterZip can filter out extracted files similar to archive creation time cleaning. No more Thumbs.db and other unwanted stuff from other systems! Add custom options to archiving operations, e.g., specify the dictionary size or build solid archives. Or, if you don't care about these techy details, let BetterZip choose the best options. . BetterZip 4 includes Automator actions for compressing and extracting archvies. BetterZip 4 integrates nicely with third party productivity tools like Alfred, LaunchBar, DropZone, and Hazel. See the Automation page for more details. Archive Comments. Display, add, and update archive comments for zip and rar formats.